This week I've been a bit ill, (you can never show this on words, but you know) therefore I've spent slightly more time in my computer than usual. Oh gosh if that could be powerful! The thing is, when you have no clear objective in front of your computer, this tiny box can suck your time like there's no tomorrow (like if you guys didn't know). But looking at the bright side (one gotta when ill) is a great chance to discover certain aspects you thought were never there, and getting metaphorical, life can adopt this behavior. If we wander around (which not necessarily means we are lost) we can find some pretty nice things. Sometimes we are blinded by our goals that we miss what life is about.
Needless to say this is a speedy world and we need answers ASAP, we think about these answers all the time that we forget about those NEW QUESTIONS. Lemme put it this way… we don't want to look for new things. We stick with the ones we know and we try to have control over them. And even if someone comes with a magical lamp that we don't know we attempt to ignore it and move forward. We need control, planning, knowledge so we can feel more secure, more in place with the world. I couldn't agree with these folks more! But among all your well known, rounded life I ask this question… do we need something new to pack in our lives? Plain and simple… hell yes! New things add dynamism to our lives, they move it, they make us think, dream, laugh, cry… they make us to live life!
I can imagine why people don't want to have new things into her life… because we don't plan for them! Therefore, we lack control (at first) over them… but if we bind them in our lives, I assure you, yours may be much more better (and who knows, maybe a "bit" more interesting) I'm also aware we are told A LOT we should try something new in our lives, but we just spare ourselves the whole thing. I say… go out to the wild!!! Adventure yourself in the deeps of the unknown (of course, within reason) and you may find one thing or two worth seeing. Don't wait for new year's eve to come up with some resolutions… any time is a good time to try something new (and this can be whatever, from getting a weird piece of furniture to have a trip to somewhere new), the moves are up to you!
With me, that new thing could be this blog, or the fact I'm figuring out things for a trip… even starting a new twitter/anything account!!! New things capture our imagination… and add a new dimension to our life. I'd love to see you trying something new this week, and believe me, you will have an awesome time. I drop this video which grabs what I want to say (well, write… duh!) This dude makes a list of things to do before we die (though it sounds kinda extreme, all things we do are things we do before we die). Tell us what you want to try this week as your "new" next thing!