Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Internet Day!

Happy Monday everyone! (yeah, right). I think we all know how mostly all mankind feels about the beginning of a brand new week. Since the dawn of men the first day of the week has had a sort of bad reputation since it's seen as the 'same beginning of a different journey', I sense we can do something different about it, you know, try to embrace it as any other day (hard to do so when thinking in Friday), but always keep in mind this: 'What would be of Fridays without their Mondays?'

Just imagine, what's the first thing you do a Monday morning? Turn off the alarm clock? Or maybe turn on the TV to check out the news or maybe your computer to check out your mails? Bet you have some sort of connection with technology and internet at some point, sometimes it even feels like it's been there forever: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google… the list goes on and on. We keep in touch with family and friends and all seems right in the world.

Well, if you feel thankful in any way with this let me say: 'Happy Internet Day!' to you. That's right, today -May 17th- has been entitled as the 'Internet Day'  around the world. I mean, if there's a Taco Day, why in the world can't it be an Internet Day? Now, a real question… who decided to have an Internet's day, and why in such a date?

Well, it turns out both questions have answer. In 2005 in Tunisia there was this Information Society gathering, and there it was proposed and approved the creation of an Information Society day (less fancier words: Internet's day) by the UNO. What about May 17th? You got me there… maybe all other days were taken, I don't know. As a side topic, May 17th's also YouTube Anniversary… coincidence? And what's done today? Well, apparently it's a chance to boost and enhance the Internet to all places (most important to the people who don't have access to it).

And, just think about it, you have access to internet probably most of the day, your life depends greatly of this service, watching news, sending e-mails, checking the forecast, talking to friends and much, so much more. How do you and Internet get along? Are you best friends or do you have struggles from time to time like most marriages do? Today may be a good day to start a healthy relationship with it!

Probably you'll hear about this in YouTube channels, blogs (such as this one), news sites and related, maybe for us it won't be much of a difference, but for many others this day may be their first one getting to know what could potentially be their new best friend… the Web. What's your story? Do you remember what was your first experience searching the web? Do that website you were watching still exist? Do you remember how slow it was just to download a single photo or a song? Don't be shy and leave all your responses in the comment section and have fun reading the rest! Here's a small taste about how things were in the past… hoping the future will bring better! See y'all in 3 days!

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