Thursday, March 25, 2010


Happy Thursday guys! Hope the week has been fun to you so far. Speaking of fun, I honestly try to see that side of things at all times, I might not be someone who laughs out of control every five minutes but I certainly enjoy life as much as I can… I think we all should! We don't necessarily need to lol all the time to have a blast, just, you know, we gotta be happy, we gotta find the way!

There's something that has made me happy in every stage of my life, even since a little kid, all the way to my after-teenage years… magic! I mean, I remember those parties when I was 5 or so and some guy in a tux was doing a card trick, or maybe a classic one, taking a pigeon out of his hat (sorry, I never saw a live show where the guy would take out a rabbit). Even with those clichés we, as children, were amazed because our young mind was telling us those acts were impossible, and yet we saw them with our own eyes, how intriguing…

Then the acts were getting a bit more complex, people getting cut in half in a box, going through walls and making elephants disappear. As we were growing, we feel certain need to know how these things happen. We already know magic is just a synonym for illusion, and that's a word we can understand. Now we don't get marveled with the trick itself, but in the actual mechanics of how it is done… and once we know it, sometimes all the enchantment is gone… forever.

I have to admit, I love to know how things work, and sometimes I'm totally intrigued about a certain act, but I'm sure once I know how it's done, it will never be the same of me, is not like you can go back and pretend you don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, magic can have a different meaning for everybody, for some it can be something mystical and mysterious, for others magic is turning impossible into doable. For me is a mix of both, feeling amazed and with a sense of wishing how it's done.

I recall plenty of people doing magic tricks, but I can easily take one of these guys apart: David Copperfield… that man is out of this world! I remember watching him live in Mexico City on a talk show, and though he didn't perform any real acts (there were a couple of tiny tricks, but nothing compared to the big ones), just his presence and mysticism made me wonder. Sure before that I saw all kind of performances like the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty in NYC or he being chopped in half and walking at the same time. I gotta say, though I know is an illusion I still wonder how he did it, guess that's the real magic for me.

Thankfully magic is not exclusive to shows, if we don't know how something works but it does creating some sort of illusion, well, that's magic. Every day and night, every moment feeling sad, happy, even in love, can't argue that can be called magic. Sure science can explain it, I just hope once we know how it works, we don't lose the sense of wonder and stop being marveled in life. What's the best magic moment you've experienced? Has it been on or off stage? Leave any comments below and see you all this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Luis, good post. Yes the world would be a much better place if everybody could learn to be amazed by life, and by the world.
