How's it going guys? Is life treating you alright? This week has been slightly busy, with things to do, places to go to and people to meet up, you know how it is. You know a lot of people but at the same time you don't really know anyone. We all have our problems, issues and misunderstandings, life can't be any more complicated… can it? How can our lives to be more complex? Simple, give us something mysterious, something we don't understand… well, it turns out there're tons of things to do so, but today I'll pick just one.
UFOs… what hasn't been said about those flying saucers? I bet you already know a lot about them (even if you didn't want to). Everyone is still looking for that secret footage, that real picture or the last piece of hard evidence to put everything to rest… will that ever happen? Is all this just staged as a diversion to blind us from something different, worse? Tons of questions, no real answers, this is not getting easy. Most lightly you have been part of this phenomena… magazines, movies, series, but still not the big cheese. A lot of people want to talk about the subject, but few really try to provide some kind of proof… yeah, we've seen trillions of pictures, people are interviewed everywhere, the details are always alike but yet, we just can't buy this.
Believe me, I don't want to sound as a nonbeliever, furthermore, I'm eager for some kind of hard evidence, but it's simply not there… or am I too blind to see it? I'm the kind of people who would love to know the truth, or at least to see some kind of proof. I honestly find fantastic how this kind of events evolve and, if true, it'd totally rebuild everything we've come to know, because is not the flying saucer by itself… but the entities riding the thing! A funny idea related to it, have you heard/seen in pictures how much different the saucers are? I mean, they have the shape of an egg, a sphere, a disc, a cigar… I like to think of them as in our cars, where they are just different models and different brands, like saying: 'Hey… check out my Escalade 2008' would mean: 'Hey… check out my Sphere 35423525'… (maybe not).
Now that I think of it… (and thinking really out there), I know the odds would be to think this entities are indeed from another planet, but who can tell me that's a more plausible idea than to think that those folks are, let's say, people/other entities from the future (wow… I'm seeing pink elephants). I know that's a crazy idea (for the record, that's not my belief), but I guess my point is… is there any idea we can discard on top of any other? I guess at this point we just can't.
Do you have any related story? Have you ever seen one of those saucers? What story or details do you find more believable? Leave your comments in the section below, and maybe we can all find the truth… see you next weekend!
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