Monday, March 22, 2010

Restless Dreams

What's up guys? Last week was full with surprises… some good, some fun and, by all means, some odd. Guess that's what makes our lives entertaining and quite enjoyable, I'd hate to live a day where everything is predictable and totally straightforward… boring! We even are eager to feel surprised, to experience the unexpected… and even better… to like it, that's why people love watching movies, going to new places or meeting new people, we want to marvel ourselves… yeah!

Other people sometimes play videogames. Some like to kill foes, getting in a fast car or playing a world championship… some of us, however, want to experience something quite new, something that shakes us, to keep us thinking, and yes, it gets better when you don't see it coming, it catches you off guard and after a while we are asking for more, to be endless.

Quite an expectation for a videogame, luckily there's been one game to make me feel like that, some may not call it a mere game, but a work of art. What's my opinion? We've come a looooong way since the good ol' Mario Brothers! This game I'm talking about is called 'Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams', and that's exactly what it is… quite a dream. Maybe you've heard of it, even play it, if so then maybe you've got the hint of what I'm trying to say here. I can type pages and pages about what makes this game a must-have experience, how psychological it can get, but all I'm gonna talk about today is about the first 2 minutes of the game… the premise.

You 'play' as this guy, James, who gets this letter of his wife, Mary. She's the author of this letter, and she tells James she wants them to meet up in her 'special place'… quite lovely. The thing is, she died three years ago. Imaging James, he's been so lonely all this time, with no motivation to move on. All of the sudden he receives this letter, he knows she's dead, but he decides to go, he knows things may not change… but what if? He's not thinking about her living, but within him he expects to find something different from the truth… and well, he decides to go.

Those couple of minutes really got me thinking… what if that happened to you? Would you dare to risk a great deal of your sanity (among other stuff) in order to go to a place where you know you won't find your loved one even if you believe with all your heart that letter is real? What would you hope to find? Peace? Her? Both? Will you be fighting against a weird foe, or against your own memories and dreams? Would it be true… or something else? Man… I want to play it again! I know it doesn't sound like a videogame, but more like a best-seller. If you fancy experiences  like this one and to really question yourself I invite you to check it out, all you need is a PC or a PlayStation2.

But maybe you don't like to push buttons in front of a monitor, if so then you can read -from a great psychological point of view- how this title deals with hope, love, hate and dreams. I def recommend this one made by 'Shamus' in the Twenty Sided webpage:

If you've got a letter from a late relative… what would you believe? Would you go… or stay?

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